



It is not necessary to get worried about what you will do.

You will make good decisions most of the time.

Do not concern yourself with what I am doing.

You have to live your life without expecting me to be involved with every decision you make.

When you need help, I am with you to let you know what you need to know to make better decisions.

One of the unexpected blessings you get from knowing Jesus Christ as a friend is you learn how to make better decisions.

Most of the people who hear my voice do not listen to me as much as you do, James.

I am helping many people in different ways that you will never know.

You can’t begin to note how much I interact with other people than yourself.

It takes you a lot of your time to consider everything I am doing with you.

You don’t need to know what I say to anybody else outside of yourself.

Everybody in the world has to live their life.

It is not your job to tell other people what to do with their lives.

Your job is to direct people to listen to Jesus Christ, and I will give them the help they need.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






You sound better to me when you give me the respect I usually hear you greet me with when we talk.

I know the issues of your heart and the love you hold for Jesus Christ.

You are getting better rest which will help you because there is plenty of work you need to accomplish with me.

I help you to do every task you have, and you are aware of my presence most of the time.

You don’t see me or the spiritual world that surrounds you.

Sometimes I give you a vision of part of what you don’t see, and those visions overwhelm your mind.

It takes a lot of time and effort for you to be comfortable with my presence.

I have told you lately it is time to pick up on some of the older projects I gave you.

You need to put in the time and effort to accomplish the goals I gave you.

There is plenty of time to accomplish the new goals I gave you.

I will give you the new wisdom I promised you that will help you in your tasks.

You need to put in the time that is required to accomplish your new goals.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







Do not let yourself worry about when you can write anything I say to you.

Every new day is different from the past, and you will never see everything happening in the world.

Focus your attention on what you should do every day so you will have a better outlook on your life.

It does not matter what anybody else is doing in their life.

You have plenty of work to do every day regardless of what you do.

Do not depend on others to tell you what to do.

Look at your life and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit every day.

I guide and direct you in ways you don’t recognize all the time.

You need to learn to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit when I touch you.

I am not making myself obvious to you as I did in the past.

Your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit helps you every day.

The better you recognize where I am leading you, the better decisions you will make.

I am the God who took you from a life of hatred into a life full of friendship with Jesus Christ.

Open your eyes and see what you should do every day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







It seems natural for you to hear what I say to you every day.

You used to wonder what it was like to hear my voice speaking to you.

There are many things happening in your life that you don’t see as you go about your day.

You see the flaws in other people easier than you see them in yourself.

I see the good and bad parts of each person as they live their life.

You can’t comprehend how it is that I do not destroy so many people that commit evil acts in my sight.

I know the thoughts of each person and want everybody to repent of their evil deeds.

You need to focus on your life and let everybody else deal with what they have to do.

Too many people want to tell other people how to live their lives.

You need to let go of the helpful part of your thoughts that wants to tell everybody what to do to make their lives better.

There are many things you need to do to make your life better.

Open your ears and listen to the simple directions I have for you every day.

Your life is better than you thought it would be in the past.







It is easier for you to hear my voice when your mind is not focused on anything else.

I trained you to hear my voice while you do many things.

When you write these words, there is another spiritual dynamic happening in your life.

You are motivated to follow my voice because of your tenacity to hold onto Jesus Christ every day.

I am the God who touched your life and changed you.

The love you hold for me is not some mistake; it is a choice you remember.

It took you a long time to realize my voice was speaking to you every day, and you continue to reach out to me.

Let go of the worry of what will happen in the future that is in your mind.

You do not know what will happen five minutes from now, and you will not know what will happen next year.

Your life will continue to change as you get older.

I am the God of all creation who will be with you even after you die.

Live your life with mental peace, and you will see what happens tomorrow when it arrives.

Let go of the descriptions of what you heard it should be like to know Jesus Christ and live with my friendship.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






It is important for you to remember that you don’t dictate to me what we talk about at any time.

I don’t care if you want to divert my attention to something you think is of more value to you.

Jesus Christ talking about keeping you in check helps you every time.

You need to stop attempting to figure out what I am doing and focus on what you should do.

I do not usually give you every detail of what you should do as you live your life.

Sometimes I tell you to do certain activities at specific times because I divert your attention for many reasons you don’t know.

Let go of what you think I should say to you.

You need to know that there are not many people that would do this activity of writing my words for this many years.

Your mind does not think I tell you things to do and change my mind later.

You are tenacious enough to know that I will tell you when you need to change what you are doing.

Hold onto the conversation I speak to you each day when you write these words.

Most of what I tell you will never appear in writing.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







You are not listening to me because you have many things on your mind this morning.

It is not bad to have projects that need your attention.

The list of projects you need to work on is long.

You need to take care of the work in front of you every day.

Do not get lost in the many distracting shows and internet ideas that take your time.

I know you are interested in tools and what is happening in the world.

You need to keep your mind on your life because you have many things that need your attention.

Today is not yesterday; let go of what I said to you yesterday and focus on what I say to you today.

You like many things I told you this week.

Look forward to the next task that needs your attention.

I will continue to stir your eternal soul toward the direction you should go.

The things I showed you in the past are still relevant today.

You need to encourage people to believe I am real enough to have a daily conversation with them as they live their lives.

The Holy Spirit helps you in your daily life.

Everybody who reads these words and believes Jesus Christ is speaking to you will find spiritual change in their life.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






It should not be hard to believe you were not focused on work when I told you to rest.

Every day is different, and you should not worry about doing something you don’t need to do on a time schedule of your making.

Your life is more important than a few words you write on the computer.

I told you to make these writing pages for many reasons.

It is more important for you to get some rest once in a while when you need to relax.

Don’t let the rest of the people in the world dominate your life.

You need to look at your life differently than you are now.

I will not tell you what to do at any time.

The directions I give you are for your benefit, and they are all your choice.

You don’t have to write these pages; it is your choice to interact with me.

Too many people say that I want people’s obedience because they don’t want to do what I ask them.

Anybody can go to Hell if they choose because they don’t believe Jesus Christ has resurrected from the dead and accepted him as their savior.

You have chosen to do what I ask you because you believe me when I tell you your life is better when you write these words every day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







It is better for you to listen to one conversation from me and write those words.

Do not be too occupied by your digital assistant, which wants to correct the words you type.

You hear me well enough to know when the typing mistake they offer is correct.

It should not matter to you when you write these words.

Your life is better when you continue to hear what I say to you every day.

Writing these words is not the path to Heaven for you.

Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven.

I am not here to entertain you.

It seems that I repeat myself to you because many of the same errors you make are what I talk about on these pages.

Every conversation with me is different, even when I tell you that you need more mental peace in your mind.

I don’t have a lesson plan for you to follow.

These conversations are part of what we do every day.

Making you write these words gives you something to look back upon when you read the words.

It is not necessary for you to remember everything I say to you.

Tomorrow you will need more direction to help you live your life.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






I will not tell you everything you want to know, regardless of how many times you ask me about the future.

Your life is your responsibility.

You have the intelligence to work toward a future that is good for you.

Open your eyes and see how much you have to offer yourself.

You sell yourself short in your mind because you don’t think you know enough to process many tasks.

Let your mind have more peace so you can see what you are capable of doing.

The stress you give yourself is not helping you to make good decisions.

Let your mind allow yourself to have more mental peace so you can see the better choices you have.

Do not worry that I am talking about your choices instead of anything else.

I am the God of all creation, and you are one of my creations.

You never think you are worthy of spending my time with you.

I told you many times I am with everybody at the same time.

Everyone in the world receives my attention regardless of whether they know I am with them.

You need to accept that Jesus Christ sees your entire life and loves you.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







It is easier for you to function with less stress on your mind as you go about your day.

I know you did not expect me to help you with the favor I promised you.

You need to remember I am with you, and I directed you to take the actions you took in the past.

In your mind, your faith in Jesus Christ is strong in some areas.

I am asking you to increase your faith in Jesus Christ to more areas of your life.

In your mind, you think if you don’t ask me to help you, I won’t need to prove myself to you.

When you are in a lot of pain, you ask me to help you.

I help you regularly with many things you ask for that you don’t seem to think are significant.

You need to believe I will help you more than you do now.

I am the God of all creation, and I will help you more, even if you don’t think you are worth my effort.

You are not taking advantage of me in any way.

I want to increase your faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Let your mind have more mental peace about talking to me about what you want to see in the future.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







Regardless of how you look at your life, you will never see everything going on with the direction you are going.

You talk with me every day, but you will never have my perspective of the world you live in every day.

I know you want to know more about how many things work.

You will not be able to see everything the way I do, even when I give you visions of what is happening around you.

The mental capacity of human beings only can see the world from their point of view.

You can’t see the world from the perspective of your neighbor or your kids.

I see the world from every person’s point of view and the thoughts that are happening at each moment of their life.

You need to work within your mental limitations.

Every day of your life will be different, even when many aspects of what you do are the same.

I am not talking about what you think I should say to you.

The conversations we have now are a progression of our relationship together.

You used to think every single word I spoke to you was important.

This conversation is meaningful but not something you will remember as momentous until you put everything I say to you together.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






I am with you more than you think.

Many times you watch every action you take with fear because you know I watch everything you do.

Let go of the fear of the Lord, which began your wisdom, and learn to walk with mental peace.

You know I see everything you do.

I watch the actions of each person in the world, and I do not spend my time burning down thousands of people each day for their actions.

You have changed many of your behaviors over the years because you know I am alive.

Open your eyes to what you do, and know I see everybody else also.

When you were not certain I was alive, you still did not want to act wrong because of your attitude toward life.

You did not think people were worthy to lie to them because it would damage your character in your mind.

Many of the actions you perform each day are because you stubbornly don’t want to be wrong in your mind about anything.

You have to realize you are wrong about many things each day.

Let your mind give you more mental peace, and learn to let go of your frustration when you are wrong.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






It is not necessary to ignore me so that you will hear something else later.

I know your mind is full of worry about your work.

You need to allow the power of the Holy Spirit to bring you more mental peace so you can see the world differently.

The conversation we would have earlier in the morning or in the afternoon will never be the same as at this time.

Your life continually changes, and this is not some recorded conversation.

The words I speak to you are not some program I record ahead of time.

I speak to you now as I have spoken for many years.

You used to think it was a waste of time writing these words because they don’t make any historical distinction to you.

Why would you write these words for publication?

I asked you to write these words and place them in writing for my reasons.

You don’t need to know why I ask you to do any action.

Your life will continue to move forward as everybody else in the world lives their lives.

The God of all creation has asked you to be part of this public ministry which is different from what anyone else does.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.