



It is important for you to remember that you don’t dictate to me what we talk about at any time.

I don’t care if you want to divert my attention to something you think is of more value to you.

Jesus Christ talking about keeping you in check helps you every time.

You need to stop attempting to figure out what I am doing and focus on what you should do.

I do not usually give you every detail of what you should do as you live your life.

Sometimes I tell you to do certain activities at specific times because I divert your attention for many reasons you don’t know.

Let go of what you think I should say to you.

You need to know that there are not many people that would do this activity of writing my words for this many years.

Your mind does not think I tell you things to do and change my mind later.

You are tenacious enough to know that I will tell you when you need to change what you are doing.

Hold onto the conversation I speak to you each day when you write these words.

Most of what I tell you will never appear in writing.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.