



There are thousands of different words I say that you never write on these pages.

Sheep Hear means more than writing a few words on a sheet of paper for everybody to read.

Listening to the voice of Jesus Christ every day does not stop when you leave the keyboard.

You have more inspiration for yourself than you thought would happen to you lately.

I am teaching you more about what the peace of Jesus Christ means than you think you can have.

It is difficult for you to hear many things I say because you have to reach out to me differently each day.

Your life is different from your point of view because you do not hear me as often as before.

You hear some points of view you did not want to listen to me speak about in the past.

I am teaching you to let go of more fear, even though I do not spend much time talking about what makes you afraid.

There is more fear of failure in your mind than anything else.

Let go of your anticipation and live your life without worry.

The right path is the steps you take every day to live your life.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.