Do not get stuck with time schedules when it comes to doing things right.
I know you want more from the projects you are working on than promises that don’t happen.
Too many people tell you they are doing something and do not come through with the results.
You are not the only person on the planet who is working on projects that will change their lives.
I know more than you will ever see any day of your life.
Your mind worries too much about things outside of your influence.
Take the time to do what you need to do so your life will become better through your efforts.
It does not matter what you think other people may do.
Your efforts to provide for your life are what matters to your life.
I bring the blessings you need to help you live your life better.
All of these written conversations are changing the way you look at the decisions you make each day.
It is important for you to write these words every day for your benefit.
You can see more possibilities in your life than in the past.
Keep your eyes open to what is happening to you every day of your life.
Sheep Hear mission statement:
Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.