Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 4-23-23


I am here with you regardless of when you want to type the words I speak to you.

One time is not better than another when it comes to listening to my voice.

I told you many times that what I say to you now is not what I will say to you in another hour.

You face a living Jesus Christ who is not anything like your imagination.

If you were making these sentences up from your mind, you would fill each page with verses and text from the Holy Bible for many reasons.

I never told you to hold an online Holy Bible study.

It is not your job to teach the Holy Bible to prove your worth to me.

These sentences you write do not prove your value to me; they are part of our regular conversation.

I am touching your faith in the Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ on every page you write for this website.

Most People expect to find another person who is looking to make disciples from among the blind followers on the internet.

You do not want anybody following you because you know the time and effort it takes to help other people.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.