Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 4-30-23-PM


Do not worry about what you will do tomorrow.

Every day brings its way to go.

I am talking to you, not telling you the story of your life.

You need to make decisions with your mind about everything you do.

It is not your job to seek me for every question you have that comes to your mind.

Let go of the mental programming that stupid people tell you to do every day.

Many people who believe in Jesus Christ told you that you don’t become a slave to me; you become my friend.

Too many people like to show you how much they know about Jesus Christ by guessing at what other people have told them about me.

You need to remember what is happening between us and examine the memories you have that are wrong about me.

I know you will never know everything about me, but you know many things that are wrong that you heard.

You are going in new directions for you that are not new for many people.

Taking the time to write these words every day is part of what you need to do every day.

Do not worry about knowing everything about me.

Take the time to find out what you should do every day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.