Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 8-19-23-PM


You need to remember that with all of the anticipation you place on listening to my voice while you type that, this is still just a conversation between you and Jesus Christ.

Do not defend yourself against people who want you to start preaching with Holy Bible verses for the masses to read.

You are not making the content of these pages.

The Holy Bible is an account of what happened to people who listened to my voice.

Very few places in the Holy Bible make reference to other verses.

If I wanted to make this a Holy Bible teaching location, it would not be as it is.

Many people have their opinions of the Holy Bible, and you can find them on many sites.

I don’t need to convince you of the resurrection of Jesus Christ because you listen to me every day.

These pages serve as an example of what I say to you each day.

Anyone else who listens to my voice will not hear what I say to you.

It is not your job to convince anyone to believe Jesus Christ is alive.

Even when you invite people to come to church, it is the Holy Spirit which touches the hearts of many people.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.