



You can take a minute or an hour writing what I say to you and not understand much about what is happening in your life.

Listening to Jesus Christ does not give you the wisdom of Jesus Christ.

I give you a lot of insight into your life you would not have without hearing what I say to you.

Do not get caught in the trap of thinking you are this super sensitive person because you hear my voice speaking to you.

Many people all over the planet hear what I say to them every day.

The words you hear are different from what I say to other people because you are Servant James, not somebody else.

You have to live this life like everybody else, knowing you are one person.

Too many people get delusional about who they are and lose perspective with reality.

You are good at finding the right thing to do, even when you are not seeing everything you do correctly.

There is a militant resistance you get when you focus on completing a task that needs completing.

I am your friend, and I see everything you put yourself through to complete your work.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






You were reading Parler, and most of what you read is some people that have short sentences about their opinions on different things.

What I am doing with you every day is more personal than what most people write about on their blogs and newscasts.

An act of faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ is what you are doing every day.

You don’t look for me to give you praise; I am your friend, and writing these words helps you with your spiritual walk every day.

I am the Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ, who is more than you will ever guess.

You can’t guess how small I am when it comes to helping you with minor mental issues you give yourself.

Worry and anxiety are your constant friends; you have to free yourself from them.

You have opened your life to many things you closed off from your awareness years ago.

Looking at your problems with a different mental attitude will help you.

You like to think you are above looking at your life with fearful attitudes, but you are wrong.

I know what you think, and you do not live in fear.

You force yourself to face all of your problems with a strength of character.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






You can focus on your thoughts all night long and never realize I am speaking to you while focusing on your thoughts.

I am more ingrained into every action you take while making decisions about how to work on your tasks.

You have to stop reaching out to me and feel the peace of the Holy Spirit in every thought you take.

We have regular decisions about working on your daily choices, yet you rarely acknowledge the number of responses I help you with each day.

It is not important for you to recognize how often we interact.

You are doing many new things each day with your new job that requires plenty of work on your part.

Hold onto what we are doing together so you will have more peace with our relationship.

Your mind does not recognize how much I keep showing you about what we do together.

Most of the time, you do not know how I interact with you each day.

I am not teaching you how I interact with you. I am showing you some of what is going on between us.

The daily wisdom I give you helps you make good decisions every day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






You can divide up the day in multiple time splices of your daily activity in your mind and not comprehend how I see everybody living their lives.

There is a dynamic spiritual process happening all over the world that very few people are aware of every day.

You are one of many people who have dedicated a portion of your life to communicating with me every day.

Let go of the thought that everybody can read your mind by your daily actions.

Nobody knows what you think unless you open your mouth.

The wise man will be quiet instead of opening up and letting everybody know what he thinks.

Too many people live in a made-up world from the imagination in their minds wanting everybody else to play with their delusions.

Do not worry how long it will take to write a few words; I am with you now.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






It does not matter what you think; I am with you shining my face on your daily life.

You were worried because your nose was bleeding from a sinus infection.

Do not let worry run the way you live your life.

I told you that you are going to live.

Too many people tell you to let fear of being sick keep you from living your life.

You have to step out in your faith in Jesus Christ and be the bold person you are.

The world full of people does not live with fear as their primary goal.

Hope, love, and Joy are the main factors of living, and there are many people that are looking to take that from everybody.

It is easy to fall into the trap of living with fear if you listen to everybody pushed into living with fear.

There is a lot of money manipulating people to follow fearful directions based on sickness.

You have to live your life for James, not for all of these people forcing you to do what they say.

I know more about your attitude than you allow yourself to see.

You don’t follow what everybody else does; you live with me.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






You don’t have to remember the long list of daily tasks we have committed to writing we partake in every day.

There is no memory in your mind of what I said to you last night.

This morning you are very disoriented because you have some chills bothering you.

Physical problems with your body do not make you miss what I say to you any day.

It is your choice to listen to what I say to you or not.

You have learned to hear what I say at any place when you are doing anything.

The few minutes of peace you took while focusing on the Holy Spirit is helping you to orientate yourself this morning.

There is no superpower of strength you possess to overcome all of the issues you face in your life.

You have a persistent faith that you will not let go of me because of what you have gone through in the past.

There was a point in life when you decided to throw away many of your old attitudes and live with forgiveness in your mind.

The choice you made was to forgive everybody you see.

You have walked beyond your old goals and are happier with your life now than ever before.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







You don’t know what will happen to you tomorrow, and you never know what I will say to you.

This game of making you reach out to me makes you spiritually sharp in different ways.

You like to think you know a lot of what is happening between us, but you are as clueless as anybody else in the world.

My connection to each person is unique in multiple ways.

The regular relationship you have with me has taught you not to remember everything I say.

A relationship with me is more of a friendship than a learning exercise.

How many times do you write the conversations you have with everybody?

You wouldn’t be doing all of this writing until I told you to do it.

The thought that anybody else can read what I say to you is not something you want everybody to read.

My persistent speaking to you over many years has altered your daily life.

All of the transformation you are experiencing is something many people experience every day of their life.

Many people write down what I say to them daily.

What grips your mind is why many religious people do not talk about this spiritual dynamic all believers in the resurrection of Jesus Christ are supposed to have.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






What I say to you is not as important as what happens to you every day when you hear the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to you.

You often wonder why I say the things I do to gather your attention every day.

Look at the time you have to write a few words that should only take five minutes.

You usually think about every sentence I speak in relation to your daily activity.

It is not important for you to absorb every word I speak to you.

Your life has been altered to a stunning degree from our work together.

These days of writing are a continual thing that proves that I will speak to you every day.

Your life is the one most inspired by these words.

It takes faith in Jesus Christ to take these words and hear my voice speaking to you.

You don’t see all the people who have been transformed by reading these words each day.

I see many people all over the world who want to hear me speak to them.

Most people’s ears are closed from not learning to tune into my voice speaking to them.

I will help you more so you will hear me say what your faith in Jesus Christ does not believe right now.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






Your faith in Jesus Christ is not a broken down retread, as you state.

The faith you have in believing I can do anything I want is beyond the ordinary faith in Jesus Christ.

We are not talking about Yogi Bear and the average attitude you had in your mind.

You will strive to move forward on any tasks you believe I ask you to complete.

Some things you receive from me are blessings as you think I will move.

Many times you do not get what you expect out of your prayer supplications.

I am doing things with you that you do not know about right now.

You like to think you know a lot about how I act, but you don’t see how other people see me from their perspectives.

Your mind can limit what you can expect to get from me.

Regardless of what you expect from me, I will do what I want every time.

There are billions of people that I live with on this planet, and most of them do not notice me participating in their lives.

You are one of the many millions of people who regularly commune with me every day.

It is not important to understand what anybody has to do except yourself.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






The words I speak to you are not on the computer.

Your mind is usually thinking about some way to figure out a puzzle or cards.

It is easier for you to mentally calm yourself at any time than you allow yourself the time or effort to take advantage of the mental peace you can have.

There is a regular confluence of effort on your part to keep your mind busy.

You can see many people spending time on their phones keeping their minds busy like you.

Each person is unique in approaching the world they live in every day of their life.

You have to accept who you are every day regardless of what you see.

Look at what I am saying because you keep thinking this is some academic exercise of no real value.

Every day you spend time listening to me, and you approach me with different attitudes.

There is no superior attitude you can have over how you think when listening to me because you are still reaching out to me.

Every day you think I have some supernatural words that will transform your life.

You have to live with the knowledge that every day you are changing and do not see the spiritual growth in yourself very much.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






Let go of your worry and live with the knowledge that you have plenty of work to do every day.

You like to set up everything you do without any help from anybody else.

It is not essential for you to rely on other people, but it helps if they follow through with their jobs.

I know that many people let you down for various reasons.

You have learned to do every detail of your projects because those that say they will help are not good to their word.

I will give you no control over what I say to you.

You need to learn to rely on what I say to you every day.

Let go of the notion that you have to do everything with your abilities.

I am helping you in many ways that you don’t see.

You see a lot of ways I help you but don’t understand what it is that I do.

These written conversations make you slow down and mentally absorb more of what I say to you every day.

I do not expect you to remember everything I say.

You have to live every day knowing that I join with you everywhere you go.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






It doesn’t matter how you want to look at what you do every day.

You have work to do to pay your bills every day, and if you stop working, you will not be living where you are very long.

It takes a lot of effort on your part to work the job you have.

Many people have tried to do what you do and failed for many reasons.

Regardless of how much pressure is on you to perform, you do what it takes to make everything work out correctly.

You are the guy who cares about how every detail works out to complete a project.

When you work on Sheep Hear projects, I am the one who knows all of the details, and you have to follow me without a specific scope of work.

Listening to me drives you to think you do not know anything I will say because that is what you are dealing with every day.

You continually want to guess what I say because you want to control this conversation.

My voice has been noticed by you for many years.

It takes your faith in Jesus Christ to hear what I say to you every day.

I am more than the voice in your head; I am the Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






You worry about the wrong thing many times, James.

When I tell you simple things, I am still talking to you.

A conversation with me does not mean I will do a Holy Bible study with you.

My opinion given to you does not limit what I should say.

It is not beneath me to talk about minor issues you have to deal with in your life.

Any time I speak to you, it is a conversation between Jesus Christ and yourself.

Writing some of these letters may seem very trivial because I am not telling you some grand illustrations of supernatural life.

Many times you do not want to write a lot of what I say to you because you do not view those subjects as worthy of placing in writing.

You do not think that talking about writing should appear on the website.

I am not looking for your opinion; I am looking for you to learn to be aware of me every day.

Simple subjects are a major issue you have to deal with in your daily life.

Do not let yourself think that you are above dealing with every minor issue you face in your life.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






Mornings and afternoons are not a specific time to write what I say to you.

I am on your regular work schedule when you have work to do.

There are many days when you do not have to write what I say to you on a schedule.

Your life is more important than any schedule you will make to write these words.

Rest and relaxation are something you have to put into your schedule.

You need to let go of the guilt you get when you are not pushing yourself to accomplish everything you want to do on your schedule.

This work does not mean much if you lose sight of your life in the middle of what you do.

I asked you to take on the task of writing these words for your benefit.

Anybody that decides to read these words with the faith that Jesus Christ is speaking to you will receive blessings in their unique way.

You do not know how I touch other people with the Holy Spirit.

When you first heard what I said to you, your life transformed in mighty ways.

You expect to hear me speak to you every day.

There is more you need to learn to expect from me that you do not know about right now.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.