It should not be hard to believe you were not focused on work when I told you to rest.
Every day is different, and you should not worry about doing something you don’t need to do on a time schedule of your making.
Your life is more important than a few words you write on the computer.
I told you to make these writing pages for many reasons.
It is more important for you to get some rest once in a while when you need to relax.
Don’t let the rest of the people in the world dominate your life.
You need to look at your life differently than you are now.
I will not tell you what to do at any time.
The directions I give you are for your benefit, and they are all your choice.
You don’t have to write these pages; it is your choice to interact with me.
Too many people say that I want people’s obedience because they don’t want to do what I ask them.
Anybody can go to Hell if they choose because they don’t believe Jesus Christ has resurrected from the dead and accepted him as their savior.
You have chosen to do what I ask you because you believe me when I tell you your life is better when you write these words every day.
Sheep Hear mission statement:
Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.