



Let go of the thought that you could ever know what I am doing.

You keep thinking big, but you don’t focus on the small amount I am looking at where you reside.

Your life is full of a supernatural relationship with Jesus Christ that is a normal episode from my perspective.

The way you look at our friendship changes your mental attitude, which you have to alter.

I am not saying you spend your time bragging about hearing my voice to take advantage of other people.

There is less to what you need to do than you realize.

You do not need a drastic change to overcome your attitudes.

Your mind has to allow itself to have a peaceful mindset about being aware of a spiritual world surrounding you.

I am showing you visions that you accept but are attempting to understand.

Knowing about a spiritual existence you do not see with your eyes does not mean you will understand what you see.

The world you live in is something outside of your understanding, and you survive your life as everybody else does.

I am not talking about holding on or letting go of any particular attitude you have.

You need to accept there is a Heaven and Hell you do not see with your eyes.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.