



You can think about hearing what I say to you, or you can listen to what I have been telling you for a long time.

There is no difference between what I say to you now or an hour from now from your perspective.

Every day you hear me comment on what you are thinking about as you live your life.

You won’t remember most of what I say to you, and these few words you write are a portion of what I say to you every day.

There is more mental peace in your daily life than previously, but you have to keep learning to be more peaceful.

Every day you wonder what I will do and do not see more than your life in front of your face.

I used to tell you to look at the life in front of your face when I wanted you to learn to live each moment of your life.

The life in front of your face is your life from your perspective.

You are doing well at your job because you can take the peace in your mind and move forward with any project.

I will continue to move many things you will never see while you learn to accept what I say to you every day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.