



You have to let go of what you think you want and listen to me speaking to you.

It is better for your mind to be peaceful than for you to live with turmoil in your mind.

You spend a lot of time wondering what you should be doing when you know tomorrow will be different from today.

There is more to what you are doing with your life than you realize.

Your friends are happy with you when they see the change in your life.

You received a lot of praise about what you are doing with the Servant James listening to Jesus channel from a friend you have known for many years.

Many people notice what you are doing with Sheep Hear and read these words with the anticipation of a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.

I touch many people with the power of the Holy Spirit as they are inspired to reach out to me every day.

Your ministry is helping people to look at me in new ways than before.

Give yourself more credit than you are right now in realizing your ministry to many people is spreading around the world.

I am opening more hearts that read these words than in previous years.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






What time you start typing anything on the computer is random unless you are working, then I am on your regular schedule.

The idea that you have to rest is important for your life because you need to rest regularly, so your body recuperates from the work you do every day.

You can push yourself to work every day, but you will feel tired and worn out from the stress of regular everyday activity.

Your body is not the same as in your youth, where you could push yourself beyond the breaking point of endurance and still work.

Let go of foolish ideas like you can survive what you used to endure and live in the present.

You are not young; you are old enough to start pacing yourself every day.

In your mind, you still have the vigor of your youth.

You have to realize that it takes more rest every day to keep moving at the pace you put yourself through.

I know you do not like to hear how you are growing older, but it is the truth you must face.

You like to think you can rest when you get to Heaven, but you need to relax every day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






You can be nostalgic over many things if you want to look at what happened this year.

Every day of your life is full of this spiritual atmosphere you bring wherever you go.

There are many people that do not believe you hear the voice of the risen Lord Jesus Christ.

You shouldn’t care what most people think about your faith in Jesus Christ.

The personal relationship with Jesus Christ is not popular with most churches.

Your part in the movement of people striving to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ is unique to you.

You will stand your ground and proclaim I am alive at any place or time I ask you.

I am leading you to reach more people with this website than when you reached out to people in person.

The Servant James videos also change the way you look at touching people.

What you say in the recent videos is not anything like when you started to make the videos.

This last year, there has been tremendous growth in how you look at everything you do.

You have to learn to hear more of what I say when making decisions.

I am giving you regular guidance to help you every day of your life.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







You like to think you know a lot about me, but in reality, everything you know of me is in the Holy Bible.

I have been reaching out to people since I created them a long time ago.

Every person’s life is part of my awareness of the entire universe.

There is no limit to what I know or see, and because of this knowledge, you wonder why I love you.

Do not let the insignificance of your single personage versus the entire world count you as insignificant.

Each person is significant to me in ways you would not understand.

I am walking with each person as they live their life.

My participation in the world of the living and the dead would take many lifetimes to explore.

It is not important for you to know everything and if you did, you would forget the experience.

There is too much in the universe happening at any one time for one person to comprehend.

You have too many tasks to take care of each day to add more chores to your daily list.

Your mind is full of ideas that would take too long for you to complete.

I will bring more peace to your mind as you learn to be restful more often.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







Do not get caught up in what you think other people think about you at any time.

It is easy to get caught up in the trap of anticipating what you should do instead of making regular decisions.

I am talking to you now, and that is all that matters to you.

A few minutes of clarity helps your mind see the better path to moving forward.

You get caught up in right or wrong in your everyday actions.

Let go of the awareness you have of me watching your every move and let yourself make better decisions.

Being afraid of me is like praying out of fear.

I am not saying to let your fear of me go.

You have to let the anxiety you give yourself slip away from your actions.

I know you are here listening to what I say.

You need to be more active in the way you recognize me without living in fear of doing the wrong thing.

Your life is better for you when you let go of any fear you have and live in freedom.

I am more prominent in your thinking than in the past.

Embrace the peaceful part of your thoughts that you usually take with you.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






Sometimes, all you hear is me speaking to you while you are typing these words each day.

A simple little conversation between us has brought you a lot of joy for many years.

Each of these entries is a conversation we are having while you type the words.

The motivation you get from writing these words is you hear the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to you.

You can type these words near a crowd of people, and nobody would see the spiritual dynamic happening in front of them.

Song service at church is where you used to hear me better because you would emotionally connect with me while singing my praises.

Your sensitivity to what I say to you has altered much of what you do every day.

You are not hearing me correctly when you fall asleep typing what I say.

Every word I speak inspires dreams of possibilities in your mind.

I am saying more that you will never accept until your faith in Jesus Chris grows more than what you have now.

This spiritual growth you are undertaking is a gradual transformation of your attitude over many years.

The Holy Spirit is more than a phrase to catch your attention.

Embrace the relationship you have with me every day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






There are thousands of different words I say that you never write on these pages.

Sheep Hear means more than writing a few words on a sheet of paper for everybody to read.

Listening to the voice of Jesus Christ every day does not stop when you leave the keyboard.

You have more inspiration for yourself than you thought would happen to you lately.

I am teaching you more about what the peace of Jesus Christ means than you think you can have.

It is difficult for you to hear many things I say because you have to reach out to me differently each day.

Your life is different from your point of view because you do not hear me as often as before.

You hear some points of view you did not want to listen to me speak about in the past.

I am teaching you to let go of more fear, even though I do not spend much time talking about what makes you afraid.

There is more fear of failure in your mind than anything else.

Let go of your anticipation and live your life without worry.

The right path is the steps you take every day to live your life.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







If you concentrate on what work you will be doing later in the day, you are not living this moment of peace with me.

Living your life has nothing to do with what you are going to do; it is doing what you have to do at any time.

You set up the writing schedule in the early morning many years ago.

Listening to the voice of Jesus Christ each day is a regular part of your life, and I am on your daily schedule.

Currently, I am the work you do for no compensation.

The love of Jesus Christ in your heart is what compels you to do what I ask you to do.

Nobody on this planet told you to write some words I speak to you every day except me.

In a few minutes, you will move to the next task you give yourself each day.

You like knowing Jesus Christ is a part of your routine for yourself.

Nobody would hear you talk about how you schedule time with me except I told you to write those words on paper.

You consider our relationship personal.

There would be no writing of these words without my express directions leading you to participate in this activity.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







Of course, I am making you reach out to me tonight.

Listening to Jesus Christ can have some challenges when you are supposed to be inspiring yourself to listen to me.

It does not matter if anybody thinks Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead if you don’t believe it yourself.

Many thousands of people running churches do not believe their words when it comes to their faith in Jesus Christ.

Anybody can read the words in a book in front of people.

Reading the Holy Bible can bring anybody closer to Jesus Christ.

I never mean physically closer to me; I am speaking about a relationship with Jesus Christ that changes your life.

You are aware that I am everywhere, participating in the lives of each person in the world.

Living with yourself is what you are doing every day.

This relationship with me does not mean you are exempt from everything else you have to deal with each day.

You have to perform your tasks at work in a meaningful way to make your company profit.

All of your family see you in different ways according to their beliefs.

More people than you realize know that Jesus Christ is the focus of your life.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







Where your mind goes is easy to follow because you are looking for the ruth wherever it leads you.

I know everything you think you are aware of in different ways than you will ever think of at any time.

Most of the distractions you follow are because you have an interest in everything you see and want to know more.

This writing process you go through every day is not the same as it was last year.

I am making you learn to hear me differently each day to keep the challenge of seeking out Jesus Christ active.

You know I am here with you, and that is the key most people do not get when they want to hear what I say.

My voice is in the ears of each person and ignored most of the time.

It took you a long time to recognize my voice speaking to you because you did not know what to do.

Every time you write any of these words, they hold the key to listening to Jesus Christ in different ways.

The faith in Jesus Christ you have built over the years is different from what you used to have many years ago.

I am guiding you to expect more from our relationship than you currently pursue.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






Almost every time you sit in front of the computer, you wonder if you will hear my voice speak to you.

You have the fear wrong in your mind; I know you are afraid of typing what you hear wrong.

Let go of all fear and listen to what I say.

Your job is simple when you let yourself have more mental peace.

The regular turmoil in your head has you fighting all of the programmings the modern American society has against what you do.

Interacting with Jesus Christ is not as popular in America as in the past.

More Americans are reaching out to me than previously, but more people are against me.

Your job of encouraging people to listen to my voice is part of a huge worldwide movement of people reaching out to me.

It should not matter that I am telling you the same facts as I have in the past.

You like to forget the significance of what happens when a person starts to hear the voice of Jesus Christ.

This regular occurrence of hearing what I say to you is beyond the faith in Jesus Christ of most people.

I am talking about more people hearing what I say because you took the time to write a few words every day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







You are in a hurry to get on with what you have to do during the day, but you are writing with Jesus Christ right now.

This part of your life where you interact with me has brought you a lot of comfort over the years.

You can’t slow this part of your life down to take less time.

Many times you like to be distracted by other things, so you can extend this feeling you get when writing and listening to me.

This difference you feel with typing the conversation between us is far different than listening to me speak to you any other time.

There are many subconscious things you do to make your life better in many ways.

Your mind is playing Christmas music from the last few days of overdoing the Holiday cheer.

You do not need much motivation to brighten up your mind to be in a happy mindset.

Part of what you do is to fill up your mind with activity.

Many people all over the world play different games and follow social media on their phones to occupy their minds.

You are aware of what I am saying from your point of view.

I am telling you things you need to remember for your life to be better.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







It is easy to start making up words you think I would say to you.

When you hear what I say, you find out that my words are not the same as yours.

I am glad you heard what I said instead of writing what you think I would say.

You will never know why I say the things I say to you.

Our friendship is based on you hearing what I say to you every day.

I have been your friend your entire life; you didn’t know of my friendship until you heard what I said to you.

You like to think these conversations are many things in your mind, and you are right in certain ways.

The spiritual impact on your life of what we do together is not something anybody will ever understand.

You can examine every word I speak without seeing the Holy Spirit impact your daily life.

What I say to you seems like an ordinary conversation; you spiritually receive more than you will know at any time.

Let go of the thought that you do not want to spend your time writing every day.

Open up your eyes and see the benefit of doing all of this work does for your life.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






It is not important for you to know what the God of all creation may be doing at any time.

I am with you every day, and that is enough for you to know at any time.

There is no importance placed upon anybody who can hear Jesus Christ’s voice.

Your modern-day society has altered the way people look at me because they do not want to believe in anything they can’t understand.

I see the things that people do to hide the fear they hold in their minds of a real living Jesus Christ who sees everything in their hearts.

It is easier to say Jesus Christ is a work of fiction in a book written a long time ago than to admit I am alive.

You don’t care what anybody else believes because you only are aware of what you are doing.

I see the thoughts in your head you have over every issue you are dealing with each day.

The uncertainty you have is similar to most people in the world who do not know what will happen in the future.

Wake up each day and live your life with the choices you make.

I will continue to be your friend for eternity.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.