Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 2-5-23-PM




You have to get the right side of the conversation between us correct, James.

It can be difficult to focus on what I say and your thoughts because we talk so often.

I told you I would not make it easy for you to hear me, so you hear my voice in less than a whisper’s worth of volume.

The words I say to you are not as important as you learning how to hear me as I make it more difficult to hear me over the years.

You heard somebody say they hear my voice like a shout the other day.

The thought of my loud voice speaking to somebody reminded you of how I used to talk to you to get your attention many years ago.

The grammar editor does not understand the context of every conversation between us because it is a program.

It is better for you to listen to what I say than rely on a computer program to edit what I say.

The new computer programs can make my writing sound like I am talking to you, but it will not be the voice of Jesus Christ.

I know the difference between a computer and a person.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.