Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 3-11-23



Regardless of what you think, I am more active in your life than you will ever see with your eyes.

It is not possible for anybody to see what I do because my movements are astronomical.

I am constantly creating life all over the planet.

Do not try to think you know what happens in front of you with your eyes.

I do more in front of you that you don’t see than you realize.

The Holy Spirit is like a wind of power that does not stop moving in the universe.

I am touching the lives of each person on the planet while they are alive and ignorant of my existence.

You hear my voice and have never seen me, James.

It does not bother you that you don’t comprehend the entirety of the Holy Spirit.

I have my reasons for speaking to you, and one of them is I am your friend.

You refuse to blame me for any problem you have because you respect me.

Many of the attitudes you have are correct even though you heard them from people who give you advice for their gain.

The Holy Spirit brings the truth of many statements to your attention even when you don’t know why you feel something is right.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.