Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 4-22-23




I am not telling you what to do, James; I am asking you to be my friend.

Do not get the wrong idea about our relationship.

There are many things I ask you to do, and you accomplish what you can with a minimum of information.

You are persistent when it comes to being my friend, and if you find some action I ask you to do, then you take those actions.

I am not going to list the number of things you have done over the years because I gave you simple directions.

You can’t remember most of the things you accomplished over the years because I asked you to go someplace and talk to somebody.

Writing down all the things I ask you to do is not something you want to do.

I told you to write these pages, or they would not ever have appeared on the internet.

The time we spend writing together is something you look forward to doing, even when you are tired.

Let go of the simple questions you have for me and let me talk to you.

There is more you have to do than write these words.

Embrace the peace I bring to you and breathe deeply of the power I give you every day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.