Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 5-20-23-PM


It does not matter what you think about many subjects.

The actions you take are what make the difference wherever you go.

You see many people who have great ideas of what should happen and think their mental effort counts as an action they took.

Your mind has many actions you would like to take but do not act on them.

When you think of the horrendous acts happening in your country, you don’t go out and commit acts of murder against the perpetrators of evil.

You can say and think many things that you will not do because you know that I will repay the evil doers according to my judgment.

Your life is different from what it was thirty years ago when you did not forgive many people for their actions.

The violence that was once part of your life every day is not part of your present actions.

I am directing you to new actions that are different in nature from what you used to do in the past.

Your mind is not full of the violence that haunted you in the past.

A life of forgiveness is part of how you approach people you meet every day.

Jesus Christ is not some fictional character from your perspective; I am your friend.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.