Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 6-3-23


Regardless of what you think about any subject, I know everything you know.

I complete your life in ways you don’t understand.

Many people learn to integrate my presence with their life without ever realizing how much I participate in many choices they make.

You didn’t realize my value until many years after you started having regular conversations with me.

Do not think at any time that you know the limits of who I am.

As far as you are concerned, the knowledge that I am infinitely small and large at the same time is beyond your understanding.

I know you want to know more about many things you have not spent the time to investigate.

Your grasp of what is happening around you helps you to make better choices.

Do not worry about what is important.

It is better for you to know what you should do at any time because learning how to rest helps your mental and physical body.

You are not young anymore and can’t push yourself to accomplish the tasks you used to do.

The life you live is changing because you are human.

I stay the same regardless of how much you come to realize my presence in your life.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.