It doesn’t matter what you think will happen tomorrow, today you are here with me, talking together.
Most people don’t believe you can communicate with Jesus Christ each day.
Your ministry directly deals with increasing the faith of Christian believers to believe that I am alive.
You don’t see the effect of your writing these few pages every day.
I see many people who do not read these pages each day but have read a few pages and sought after me.
It is simple for you to write a few words every day.
For the reader of these words with eyes filled with hope and inspiration from the Holy Spirit, a few words can mean they will seek my face.
It is not required for anyone to read these words every day.
Anybody who decides to read these words very often will have a spiritual impact happen in their life.
Currently, you are the one who reads these words the most because you are not uploading every day you write onto the internet as in the past.
The mustard seed of growth that happens when faith grows can change someone’s life to interact with me every day.
You will never understand why I have you write these words, but you will receive many spiritual blessings from the effort you put into these pages.
Sheep Hear mission statement:
Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.