Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 7-30-23-PM


Do not attempt to think that I can be manipulated by your thoughts.

I will say what needs to be said to you every day.

You are more important than you realize, and I will put my hand on you every day as I have in the past.

Do not look at your mistakes as something to be ashamed of at any time of your life.

You are not someone who likes to make any mistakes; it drove you mad to live a life of hatred and anger for so many years.

Let go of the anger you hold and forgive yourself as you usually do.

You are not ruled by mistakes of the past.

Every day you are alive is a different day to hold happiness in your life.

The amount of achievements you have made is partially because you made so many mistakes in the past.

You are someone who watches what they do and learns how to overcome many mistakes because of your past.

Your future will have new changes that will take you beyond where you are now.

When you open your eyes, you will see yourself as having more value to you and your family.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.