



It is not your fault that you did not type anything this morning.

I told you to rest because you need to give your body the rest it needs.

You can be very hard on yourself when making yourself accomplish tasks.

The mind can make the body do whatever it wants to regardless of how your body feels.

Today is another day of rest that is good for you to take so you feel better.

It does not matter why I talk about how you feel.

I am your friend and one of the voices you will listen to regardless of how you feel.

The words I speak are not as important as our relationship that transforms your life every day.

You have to learn that there is no minor conversation between us unworthy of writing on these pages.

I used to say I love you multiple times to get your attention off of you and onto me.

You have to learn to accept what I say as a conversation between Jesus Christ and yourself.

I am a significant part of your daily life because you have placed a value on hearing what I say to you.

You have to learn to accept the value I place on our daily friendship.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






What you think is less relevant than what you do every day.

I watch every move you make as you live your life, and there is action and reaction to most thoughts you make.

I am helping you to understand more of what you face every day.

You partially see a spiritual dynamic when you move about everywhere you go.

Those visions I give you are more than some imagination in your head.

The forces of good and evil are surrounding you in a regular battle for the souls of humanity.

This website publishes words that encourage many people to hear what I say to them each day.

I am part of the vision you have of the forces of evil pushed away from you.

The power of the Holy Spirit is pushing back the forces of evil attacking you wherever you go.

You notice the power flowing through your life many times.

There is a regular battle I show you sometimes to let you see part of what is happening every day.

The world is full of the struggle for the eternal souls of billions of people.

I watch every person in the world as they live their lives in unique ways.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






Regardless of what you think, every word you hear me speak impacts your life.

I do not waste my words on you at any time.

You think that some of what I say is not worth putting into print, but your life changes when you read what I say to you.

All of the time you spend dedicated to listening to me in writing has helped you in many ways.

It does not matter to you if anybody else decides they want the spiritual growth offered to everybody who reads these words.

You are here with me every day, looking to find something that will help you more than you can consider.

There is more to what you hear me say than a few words you type on the computer.

I am moving the Holy Spirit in powerful ways I have shown you in visions.

These visions of power I keep showing you are relevant to your life.

I am not empowering you with unlimited power; I am showing you the power that surrounds you every day.

Stop attempting to figure out what is happening to your life.

Experience the power that is flowing through you everywhere you go.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







It is not what is happening around that is important.

What is happening inside of you is important to you because that is where the change in your life comes from every day.

I am working within your soul and touching you in ways that are bringing peace to your mind.

You are learning to live with the knowledge of my presence with you wherever you go in your daily life.

I am the presence in your life that has altered many ways you look at the world where you live.

You need to take the knowledge of my presence and ignore me so you will make better decisions.

Let go of the fear of making the wrong decisions.

Living with fear as a motivator is not good for your life or soul.

You used to be afraid people would find out you heard my voice every day of your life.

I am drawing you to be more public about my relationship with you than you are comfortable showing people.

Step forward with the knowledge I am with you but let go of the fear that you might fail.

I love you everywhere you go, whether you write these words or decide not to.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







The issue in your mind is not whether anything is important; it is what action you should be taking.

You can look at the morality of any action and not take any action at all.

The decisions you make about anything you are involved with are the key to living your life.

Everybody else in the world has issues they have to deal with from their perspective.

You place too much importance on right and wrong, where you should be looking at how to survive your daily life.

Let go of the thoughts that I am here to bring morality to your life.

Every person knows what is right and wrong when they live their life.

I have established a friendship with you that has lasted many years.

Friends gather together and regularly talk to each other.

I am not your ordinary friend.

There are many aspects of me you will never understand at any time of your life.

You don’t know everything about your friends or what they think at any time, yet you talk to them when you can.

There is less to this conversation than anybody knows.

I am in the small details of each person’s life, and it is in those details where you live your daily life.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







It matters to you what you think in your mind about every subject.

Do not let your speculation about what I will say drive your attention away from me.

There is more to what I say than a Chinese fortune cookie paper wrapper.

Every day, it seems like I am saying many of the same things I have told you beforehand.

You often wonder if there is any point in writing some of what I say to you.

It is easier for you to listen to what I say every day in the past and right now.

This time of writing forms another type of spiritual growth in your mind that is helping you in mighty ways you don’t see.

The power of the Holy Spirit I show you every day surrounds you everywhere you go and is a powerful force you take with you.

I am more than an insignificant bit of your imagination.

The connection between us helps you see more of who you are every day.

I am moving your mind to accept more of what you would not receive about how I help you.

These writing exercises bring a clear view of who you are into better focus each day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






Where you put your time and effort into every day is important to you.

You place a lot of time and effort into cultivating a friendship with me on and off the computer.

There are plenty of things you do directly related to the guidance I give you every day.

You don’t spend your time wondering what the next thing I will say to you is; you live your life like normal.

The thoughts in your mind about a thousand different things are affected by your knowledge that I am with you.

Your attitude is what I have been reaching out to and affecting more than anything else in your life.

You do not spend most of your time in introspection; you are more of an action-oriented person.

There is no end to what I can say to you at any time.

We talk about friendly subjects I notice that you should be aware of each day.

Let go of the notion that you understand what I am doing with your life.

Every day you face new issues related to your job and the people you interact with at work.

Look at what is happening with your life and how your actions affect those people you work with every day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






It is easy to start questioning yourself each time you get ready to type what I say to you.

Your life is better when you hear what I say to you when you are typing these words.

There are many times you are opening yourself to more of a conversation you are afraid to hear from me.

It is easy to hear these conversations about your flaws from me every day.

I am talking about opening up your eyes to the spiritual world surrounding you every day.

Let go of your fear of finding out there is more to the world you live in than what you see with your eyes.

What you imagine you see is only part of what is happening around you wherever you go.

I have given you more visions than you are ready to believe because they are beyond your understanding.

You need to listen to me when we have more of these conversations outside of writing time.

There are more topics than you can ever write about because the number of things I regularly say to you.

The power of the Holy Spirit is more than a phrase to gather the attention of the listener.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






It is easier to focus on time than to focus on what you have to do every day.

Everything I said to you this morning about the power of the Holy Spirit is valid.

I am the one who says if and when miracles of power will happen.

Most of the time, when people are looking for signs, they don’t want to see anything.

I will teach you what it means to have signs following as you have seen in the past.

The stories you have heard about other men who have wielded my power in dynamic ways were when they proclaim that Jesus Christ is alive.

At those times when I move upon your human spirit to break out and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, I will move upon you as necessary.

I have pulled you from that public speaking type of ministry to learn this listening to Jesus Christ type of ministry.

You will do whatever I ask you to do, and listening to me is what you are learning.

There is more to listening to my voice than hearing a sentence or two every day.

I am talking about a more profound friendship between us that is transforming your daily life.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






You are more curious about how many people read the website than what you should be doing.

Do not get caught up in following every word I say to you every day.

Your life is better when you grasp what you can from our relationship.

The time we spend together is more transformational to your life than the words you hear me say to you.

You won’t remember every word I say to you.

My voice in your head is what impacts your life more than anything.

It is difficult for you to believe many things I show you because you did not learn to be aware of Jesus Christ.

You are very well grounded in what is happening in reality, where you thrive every day.

The supernatural world surrounds everybody unnoticed by many people.

You see videos of shadow people and many other supernatural creatures on Youtube.

My voice speaking to you is a supernatural occurrence that happens to millions of people daily.

Many people all over the Earth hear what I say each day of their life.

Do not let the fear of finding out more about what is happening around you close your eyes to what I am showing you.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.







You regularly wonder why and where people read these words all over the world in your statistic pages.

There is a hope in Jesus Christ inside of you that opening yourself up to public scrutiny will be worth something to you one day.

Right now, you would like to know you are helping somebody other than yourself to recognize my voice speaking to them.

You are not writing these pages for anybody other than yourself.

I told you that anybody who reads these words would benefit from them in a spiritual way that nobody can see except for me.

The Holy Spirit is active everywhere, doing powerful, mighty works in front of each person.

It is easy to ignore the Holy Spirit for many reasons, but mostly because it is easy to follow your path and not mine.

Your job has nothing to do with anybody else on the planet.

You have to connect with me, which is outside of any influence that anybody can bring against you.

I am the influence in your life which is true every time regardless of what you think in your head.

Hold onto what you can remember of the truth I bring you every day.

Your life is full of work that will continue to evolve as you pick up more work in the future.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






When you hear me, there is usually some way I start the conversation that will gather your attention.

Most of the time, you start typing in the middle of some concept I am bringing to your attention.

You need to let yourself open up to more of the spiritual side of your life I have been showing you lately.

A part of you does not want to grasp this spiritual dynamic happening around you because you have used logic and reason most of your life.

You are used to being the one who can break down any problem and figuring out how to succeed.

The hard-headed attitude you carry with you everywhere you go makes it difficult to deal with you sometimes.

You make it a point to keep private issues private because you don’t think anybody should know your secrets.

All of these pages of writings are a private part of your life you would not tell anybody about until I told you to start writing.

You need to open your mind to the possibilities that you are more of a person than you allow yourself to be in your mind.

I am the God of all creation who took you from a dark part of your life and made you full of the Holy Spirit and power.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






It should be no mystery to you that you will find me every day.

More than twenty years ago, you began to experience the relationship with Jesus Christ, which many people say should happen to everybody.

You used to think that this talking to Jesus Christ was ridiculous and that I did not speak to people.

These people that talked about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ did not have the truth in their eyes from your perspective.

You are not stupid enough to take jargon from people that do not know me the way they said.

When somebody begins to hear my voice, something different comes over them.

The truth of my voice speaks to you every day you hear me talk to you.

Thousands of people read these words every day and are inspired to return to the website for daily inspiration.

I know some days there are fewer and some days more people read these words.

These statistics are different, but the Holy Spirit is the same everywhere in the world.

Many groups of people appreciate the words you write and use them as inspiration for themselves.

I am touching many people with the power of the Holy Spirit that you inspire by the words you write every day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.






I have never taken you any place you were not willing to go.

You may not like the truth sometimes, but you will accept it from me every day.

This work you do in the Name of Jesus Christ has a reward nobody can count.

I know you want this website to pay off, and you set it to receive money.

You have to look at the long run and how many people receive blessings from reading these passages.

The spiritual blessings that flow through your life are an ongoing event noticed by many people.

When you write these words, you enjoy the communication you have with me most of the time.

You can be feeling bad physically and want to write these words because you like doing this task.

Last year, I told you to put yourself first and stop writing a few times.

You have to remember that your life is more important than the work you do with the website.

It is nice that people can read what I say to you, but you also have to live your life.

Give yourself some more grace and absorb the peace the Holy Spirit is bringing you every day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.