Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 6-10-23-PM


The words I use in our conversations are unique to the conversation we have.

I am not saying that I don’t repeat words because many of the same things you hear from me are similar.

Your life will continue to change as you live your life.

It does seem to you that many times I seem to say the same things.

Your life is not drastically different today from ten years ago.

Do not focus on each action you take as you live.

It is better for you to let the peaceful nature of the Holy Spirit touch and guide your actions.

Do not expect every moment of your life to have excitement.

Your life is not as exciting as it was many years ago.

It is easier for you to live quietly most of the time.

Do not expect me to say the same things to you as I do to the next person.

You will not make the same decision as anyone else.

I am speaking to Servant James, not Jimbo.

You stand up to most other people who do not know that you hear my voice every day.

Those people you meet know that you stand up to them because you are not the same as many others.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.