Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 6-10-23


You notice some things about people that are humble in my sight.

Your life is similar to many people who humble themselves in my sight.

I am not saying you go through the same issues that any other person has because you are Servant James.

Let go of the thought that you are the only person who does not know what will happen tomorrow.

There is no secret that anyone has about the possibilities of another day.

You need to live your life as anyone else because you do not know what will happen tomorrow.

Nobody has any more insight into your life than you do as you live your life.

I am the friend of yours who nobody knows because I am not seen by anyone.

Every day has a new opportunity to make more choices about what you should do.

Regardless of what you think about Jesus Christ, each person in the world has an opportunity to listen to my voice.

Many people hear me each day and respond in friendship with me.

I will not tell you every action you need to make because you need to live your life.

Open your eyes and see that you have more opportunities available to you than in the past.