Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 3-25-23-PM




I am not talking to you so you can become the most popular person on the internet.

You are a friend of mine, and you were listening to me for many more years than you began to write anything on paper I said to you.

Do not focus on what I say to you because if you need to hear anything, I will say those words.

All of these pages are to increase your faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Even if a million people decided to read these words each day so their faith in Jesus Christ would increase, I still am speaking to you.

It takes an act of faith in Jesus Christ and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit for anyone to read these words more than once.

You are not writing these words for the benefit of yourself; you are writing them because I asked you to write what I say to you.

I know part of you wants the recognition of the effort you put in each day as you write these words.

You do not seek your glory because I told you to use the name, Servant James.

I am the focus you seek every day as you write these words and live your life.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.



Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 3-25-23




You know I need more than a few minutes of your time and that these words you type are not what I am talking about to you.

The goal of getting closer to me is something that never ends, James.

Regardless of how much you hear my voice, there is still room for spiritual growth in your life.

You had no idea how well you would hear my voice when you were younger while I have watched you for your entire life.

I know more about you than you do because I don’t forget about what you want and desire.

Do not get your mind thinking about what is important when it comes to listening to my voice.

Everything I say to you is relevant to your life.

When I speak to another person, it will never sound the same as what I say to you.

Your relationship with me is not the same as what I have with anyone else.

I have told you many times that from your perspective, you see me differently than your neighbor.

You need to open your mind to the objections of other people seeing me differently.

I can be more to a world full of people than what you think you understand I am to you.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.


Focusing on the Holy Spirit



Servant James from discusses the concept of focusing on the Holy Spirit instead of focusing on what he can do.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.


Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 3-19-23-PM




I am the God who you chose to believe in after I touched your body with a healing miracle.

Do not write off praying for people as a means to confront them with the reality that I am alive.

Many people I healed during your prayers realized I am alive and began attending other churches.

The power of the Holy Spirit is relevant every day of your life.

When people see signs following the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they are as important to them today as they were when Jesus Christ walked the Earth.

Too many people that preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ do not believe I am alive.

Since you found the stories of my existence are real, you decided to dedicate your time to seeking my face until you heard my voice speaking to you.

The simple truth is you continue to seek me out every day of your life, regardless of what anybody else says.

I am the God who healed your body after revealing your back pain to the preacher Dennis Right.

Do not worry about those people who helped you to get where you are and are in heaven with me now.

You need to focus on what you need to do every day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.


Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 3-19-23




You worry too much about doing what is right or wrong in the eyes of other people.

I told you many times that you need to listen to what I say to you when it comes to spiritual matters.

It is good to respect the opinions of other people when they talk to you or you hear what they have to say.

You do not need to do what other people ask you to do; you need to do what you know you should do every day.

Each person has to figure out their life, whether they listen to another person or figure out the direction they need to go in their mind.

I am with you regardless of what you think sometimes.

If you don’t hear my voice, it doesn’t mean I am not talking to you.

When you stand up with your faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and take some action, I am there with you.

Many times you focus on the Holy Spirit’s power and forget my voice talking to you.

I am more prevalent in your life than you notice.

Many people you prayed for were healed by me before you ever heard my voice speaking to you.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.


Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 3-18-23-PM




It is easy for you to focus on something, do another task then focus on the original topic.

You are not unique in your ability to jump to multiple tasks with good clarity on each task.

The issue you have is dealing with people who don’t keep their word.

I see everything happening everywhere, and many people attempt to rob their acquaintances for many reasons.

Do not be surprised at the actions of other people who continue to treat you wrongly because I see what is happening every day.

Many people who have harmed my anointed all over the planet gather my attention.

Regardless of how much my people forgive those that oppress them, I do my job in the way I see fit.

More is happening in the world that you don’t see, and I do what I know has to occur every day.

I am the God who took you from a position of hatred and anger to a life with peaceful blessings.

You need to continue to forgive those that do not act how they should and do what I told you to do.

Your mental peace is more important to you than promises made to you that changed.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.


Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 3-18-23




I don’t need to explain myself to you.

These words you write each day from our conversations are not here to impress anybody who says they hear my voice.

I have you write these words to encourage individual believers in the resurrection of Jesus Christ to increase their faith enough to start listening to my voice.

You should not let the religious cast of people who like to criticize others for following my directions bother you.

Your mind has been captivated by a comment somebody wrote a couple of years ago that you never saw until recently.

I never told you to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the internet.

You do a good job of representing me to many people you meet.

Many people preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ online that are inspired by the Holy Spirit touching them.

Some people study the Holy Bible online because they need help listening to me.

I told you many times you don’t need to study the Holy Bible on the internet because you are familiar with the Holy Bible.

You have this particular ministry of encouragement because you spent the time reaching out to me until you began to hear me every day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.




Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.




Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 3-12-23-PM




Do not worry about what is necessary for you to do each day.

When I tell you to rest, it is because you need to relax.

It is easy for you to drive yourself beyond the point of exhaustion to get projects done.

You refuse to listen to your body many times when you desire to finish a project.

There is no plan for you to follow each day of your life.

You found the necessary part of your spiritual life, which is a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Your friend Dave listened to me when he dragged you to a church revival many years ago.

You call me Lord, but I am not some hard taskmaster.

Writing these words is a chore that needs your time and effort.

I continue to have these conversations with you because you choose to listen to me.

Every person has the choice to listen to me, as I am the God who is with each person.

I know most people don’t realize I talk to them.

It took you years of fasting and prayer to hear me speak to you.

Let go of the thoughts that these words do not seem to say anything magnificent.

I am the God of every little thing in your life which you mostly don’t notice as you live each day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.





Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 3-12-23




I call you Servant James because that is who you are.

You don’t attempt to place yourself as the originator of any of these words.

I am not teaching you how to listen to me; I am continuing to be your friend.

Asking you to write these words many years ago was the next step in the process of proving to you that I will speak to you every day.

You used to wonder what I said to the many people who wrote the words I spoke to them as a memorial.

I am not some memorial to become ignored every time someone enters a building.

You understand one concept that I gave you, and it is that I am alive and your friend every day.

We have regular conversations between us where I see all of your thoughts and give you my opinion on what you think.

Subjects and concepts are more important than a grammar editor can understand.

The exact words I speak to you are never important.

It is better you find the direction you should move toward than anything else.

The abundant life written about in the Holy Bible pertains to listening to my opinion as you live your life.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.



Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 3-11-23-PM




Does it matter what you do when we are talking?

You can be working, and I will give you instructions to do a specific task.

I am aware of what you do at all times; it is no mistake you can hear my voice.

It is good you check me to make sure I am Jesus Christ because the enemy of your soul wants to have part of your attention also.

You find it easy to get angry over many problems you identify.

Let go of misplaced anger and listen to what I say to clarify your stance on any situation.

I told you many times to not wait for my answer to take action in any situation.

If you are going in the wrong direction, I will give you guidance as to what you should do.

You have heard my voice for over twenty years and have not come any closer to knowing what I think at any time.

The direction I tell you to look is to the Holy Bible because it is full of good guidance.

I don’t tell you to read the Holy Bible before making a decision; you have read it many times.

You need to remember many of the things in the Holy Bible, so you will make better decisions.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.




Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 3-11-23



Regardless of what you think, I am more active in your life than you will ever see with your eyes.

It is not possible for anybody to see what I do because my movements are astronomical.

I am constantly creating life all over the planet.

Do not try to think you know what happens in front of you with your eyes.

I do more in front of you that you don’t see than you realize.

The Holy Spirit is like a wind of power that does not stop moving in the universe.

I am touching the lives of each person on the planet while they are alive and ignorant of my existence.

You hear my voice and have never seen me, James.

It does not bother you that you don’t comprehend the entirety of the Holy Spirit.

I have my reasons for speaking to you, and one of them is I am your friend.

You refuse to blame me for any problem you have because you respect me.

Many of the attitudes you have are correct even though you heard them from people who give you advice for their gain.

The Holy Spirit brings the truth of many statements to your attention even when you don’t know why you feel something is right.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.


Intentions and Motivations

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.



Servant James Listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ Each Day 3-5-23-PM




You will never know the thoughts I have for you in my mind.

My mind has more information on you than you could fit in your mind.

I don’t care if you have good strategies for anything you want to work on that you have faced.

Any knowledge you have of this world is known by me in ways you couldn’t guess.

Stop attempting to think you can do anything and take care of what you need to do each day.

Your actions need to be your focus because thoughts without actions are thoughts.

You have thought of many things you don’t work on because you see the futility of partial inventions without making a specific product.

Your mind can think of what you need all day without ever taking the physical work to complete the task.

Every day is a new time to live for you.

It is important for you to let go of the worry you keep adding to your mind about what will happen in the future.

Do not look to me to tell you what to do every day.

I am the God of all creation, not the maker of your itinerary.

You need to decide what you will do every day.

Sheep Hear mission statement:

Encourage Christian believers to have the faith to listen to the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them every day.